Copyright & Privacy Statements (COPPA)


Copyright Statement

The material on this site is covered by the provisions of the Copyright Act by Canadian laws, policies, regulations and international agreements. Such provisions serve to identify the information source and, in specific instances, to prohibit reproduction of materials without written permission.

Internet pages, documents and online graphics, audio and video, are protected by copyright law and are provided for informational and educational purposes only. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under provisions of Copyright Act C-42.

Documents or materials specified above do not include the design or layout of this website. Elements of this website are protected and may not be copied or imitated in whole or in part. No logo, graphic, sound or image from Sts. Martha and Mary Parish website may be copied, republished/reposted or retransmitted unless expressly permitted by Sts. Martha and Mary Parish, 1870 Burnhamthorpe Rd. E., Mississauga, ON, L4X 2S5.

As an alternative to reposting our materials on other websites, we encourage sites to link to our own pages containing those materials or information, or to create coding so a new browser window will open displaying our appropriate web page.

The use of frames to reproduce/display our web pages/site on an external website is prohibited.

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Privacy and Emailing Statement - We believe that the full benefits of the World Wide Web should rest on a respect for its users.

  • We do not maintain any records of the identity of our web-site visitors. In the event that we use "cookie" technology to assist you in a more helpful return visit, or to assist in maintaining general site usage statistics, this will not be used in any intrusive manner.
  • If you have voluntarily given us your name and mail address or E-mail address in connection with a visit to this site, we may send you notices of parish events, important changes to this web site, or information about special opportunities (at this web site only). No such information is retained or used for children under age 13.
  • We may contact members of the parish as part of their benefits of membership, but will use E-mail for this purpose only if the member has provided the address to us.
  • We will not share information about you that might be derived in the future from your participation in this Web site, such as your E-mail address, phone number, buying records or membership history with any outside source, except to the extent made mandatory by law or legal process.
  • We will not assail you with flashing ads, nor expose you to thinly-disguised commercial services. Any links we provide to other sites that may render commercial or information services are only to allow you to pursue faith-based-related information; we disclaim any responsibility for their content. We decline numerous requests to place commercial links.
  • We respect your privacy

COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act) Compliance

We are not a commercial site, and do not sell to, nor accept donations of any sort from, children or adults. This site does not target service to children under age 13 except that they may access general material regarding Christian history and parish activities that is suitable for all ages. No information is collected from children under age 13. (See privacy statement above.) Information on The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act is available at the Federal Trade Commission site, and at their KidzPrivacy site.

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                                                  Edited: December 29, 2006 - Webmaster: Webmaster
© Sts. Martha and Mary Parish, Mississauga 2005 - 2007
                                        Copyright & Privacy Policy Statements