Note from Fr. Edwin:
The disease most dreaded
by the Jews of old was leprosy. It was an infectious
plague which struck fear and horror into its victims
because there was no hope of a cure. The fate of the
leper was truly pathetic. As soon as the first signs of
the disease appeared, the afflicted person was debarred
from all social life and forced to withdraw from
society. This meant bidding farewell to his family
leaving behind his way of life, his trade, everything
and everybody he had known and loved. It was farewell as
final as death. The mental anguish and heartbreak of
being completely banished from the local community, was
utterly devastating. In every sense the leper was an
outcast, with no hope of enjoying human companionship or
receiving love. The victim was reduced to the status of
a non-person, scavenging for food on the town dump, with
a warning bell slung around his neck. Moreover, it was
taken for granted that the disease was a punishment for
sin and a sign of separation from the life-giving power
of God. The prophet Isaiah user leprosy as a symbol of
how disease God’s people were when they were unfaithful
to him.
The gospel shows us how
Christ was moved to compassion when he met the leper. He
was not afraid to reach out and touch the infected man.
This is only one of many personal encounters between
Jesus and sick people, where his compassion is so
evident. It says something profound about the healer, as
a font of mercy, and gives us an insight into God’s
caring approach to physical and spiritual sickness.
Spiritual leprosy is a reality in every age. It’s a sickness of the soul
which cuts us off from God and is much more serious
because it remains invisible and goes unnoticed for a
much longer time. The really good news for all of us is
that just as Jesus reached out to
touch and cure
leper, he
stretches out his healing hand to bind up the wounds of
all our sins.
Mon Feb 13
9:00 a.m. - For the
good of the people.
Tue Feb 14
St. Cyril, bishop
9:00 a.m. +Filomena
Bruno Pisani - Pisani Fam.
Wed Feb 15
9:00 a.m. Int. of Joe & Cynthia Castelino
+Pasquale Nisi, +Donato Nisi, +Lui Nisi - By Porto
Thu Feb 16
9:00 a.m. - For the good
of the people.
Fri Feb
Seven Sevite Founders
9:00 a.m. Int of Robert Masotti
+Vito Masotti - Family
Sat Feb 18
9:00 a.m. +Clara Lazo
- Frances Korowski
4:30 p.m. +Foo Wai Man - Eddie
+Nina Ranieri - Ranieri Fam.
Sun Feb 19
Seventh Sunday in Ord. Time
8:30 a.m. For the
People of the Parish
10:00 a.m. +Tammy Greco - Mary & Michael Greco
11:30 a.m. Thanksgiving for Maria Buziak - Family
Pray for the sick of
the parish, especially:
Deacon Bob Geisel,
Patricia Kennedy, Levi Romero, David Re, Maria
Dimatteo, Joe O’Hearn, Rita Zarb, Tasha Bishop, John
Mifsud, Joe Muscat, Nada Dancy, Michael Manzo,
Catherina Donato, Bill Tuplin, Mary Jane Lafleur,
Rose & Henry Castelino, Karl Zakss, Tina Fiore, Toni
& Violete Matar, Pat Goulding, Lucy Vairo,
Bosco Chan, Barney Gallant, Helen Briers, Alfred
Vella, Bill Kinch, Edward Glanc, Wanda Glanc.
Confirmation Preparation:
Girls – Feb 12th after
11:30 a.m. Mass
Girls – Mar 12th after 11:30 a.m. Mass
Girls – Apr 23rd after 11:30 a.m. Mass
Boys – Apr 9th after
11:30 a.m. Mass
Boys –
Apr 29th
Sat. at 10:00 a.m.
Marriage Preparation
Sts. Martha and Mary Parish offers this
course on seven Wednesdays beginning on April 19 and
ending May 31st, 2006. Please call the
First Communion
Our next Sunday Celebration will be on Feb
26th, at 12:30 p.m. Please prepare your child by
completing Lessons One to Five in the Red Book, “We Share in the
Eucharist”, by doing one lesson a week.
Youth Group: Next
meeting Thursday, Feb 16th at
7:30 p.m.
Wedding Banns

Antonio Reali & Tracy Di Fonzo
Do you want to deepen your
spiritual life? To know more about your faith? To find
support through likeminded friends? Try Cursillo:
For more information please call
Jennie McRae at 905-206-1321 or Fr. Edwin at the parish
Opus Dei – Recollection
Recollections aim to assist the
individual to relate their family life, professional
work and social commitments more fully to their
relationship with God.
The meditations are preached by a
priest of Opus Dei, a personal prelature of the Roman
Catholic Church. Retreats are being held at Sts. Martha
& Mary Church.
Men’s Retreat: Tuesday,
Feb. 14 – 7:00 p.m.
Ladies Retreat:
Tuesday, Feb. 21 – 7:00 p.m.
Marriage Encounter:
Married couples, you deserve a
weekend to celebrate being together, to rediscover each
other and focus on ways to make your relationship even
A Worldwide Marriage Encounter
offers this opportunity from the April 28-30 2006
For further information please
contact : David and Lucy Adams @ 905-470-9590.
World Day of Prayer :
Please join us for
a World Day of Prayer 2006, to be held on Friday, March
3rd, 2006 at 7.30 p.m. at Applewood United
Church, 2067 Stanfield Road, Mississauga ON, L4Y 1R4.
How to Pray
Pray to God simply and
naturally, as to a friend.
Tell him what is on your mind.
Get help from the prayers of others.
Pray remembering the
good things God has done for you. Reckon up
your blessings from time to time and give thanks for
Two good and rather religious clerks failed to see
things eye to eye, so they quarreled. Finally they
decided to be friends. “Hereafter,” said one, “Let
each of us do our work to the best of our ability –
you in your way, and I in God’s way.”